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Royal-T Entertainment Provides Quality Music Lessons


Flute - Piccolo - Clarinet - Bass Clarinet - Oboe - Bassoon - Recorder(s) - All Saxes [Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bari, Bass] - French Horn -

Trumpet - Flugel Horn - Cornet/Bugle - Tenor Horn - Baritone Horn - Mellophone - Trombone - Sousaphone - Tuba - Piano/Keyboard - 

ALL Percussions [Congas, Djembe, Duns, Timbali, Drum Set]

Soprano - Alto - Tenor - Baritone - Bass

ALL AGES:  4 - 104

ALL LEVELS:  Beginning - Intermediate - Advanced - Professional


Jazz - Funk - Reggae - Gospel - Classical - Country - Bluegrass - Dixieland - Swing - Zydeco - Folk - Rock - Pop - Soul - R&B - Trap - ETC!



We believe that Music should be 

1) Easy to Learn

2) Easy to Digest

3) Easy to Access

This is the reason why we created LETTER NOTE CURRICULUM.  This is an Easy 3-Step Process to learning to play Piano, which we believe can segway into any other instrument. 


After learning to play Piano in 3 Easy Steps, you can continue into our CHORDAL NOTE CURRICULUM which will teach you to play accompaniment style Piano called LEADSHEET STYLE!  This will allow you to perform with a lead singer or instrumentalist at Gigs & get paid if you so choose!?!  All of this in what we feel should only take you a short period of time.  Of course, that timeline varies all dependent upon your willingness to devote time = PRACTICE!  Everyone learns at their own pace & that pace is determined by you specifically.  But we believe it is very possible to grasp & learn these concepts & Gig within a matter of a few months...tops!


Private Music Lessons:
$40/Half Hour OR $70/Hour

On any/all instruments, for all ages. 


OR LBC Studio 

Can be designed according to the specific need and desired musical direction/outcome!  

[9-mo estimated satisfaction]

Group Music Lessons:


Class minimum size does not matter!!!

These Zoom sessions are set up in accordance with the participants schedule in mind & are given consecutively throughout the month.  Extensions are only given under dire/extreme urgencies only AND must be cancelled/rescheduled within 24-hours of set class time(s)! 





Maximum class for this rate = 6

Classes of 7-10 = $150/Month

Classes of 11-14 = $175/Month

Classes of 15-20 = $200/Month


Private Theory Sessions:

Can be designed according to the specific need/desire of the student.  

[Ability to write within several months

Proficiency within 9-months!]



OR LBC Studio

Counterpart, Composition, Charting/Parting, Dynamics, Articulation, Grand Staff, Theory Terms/Concepts, Syncopation, Rhythms, Arranging, Transposing

Lesson/Session Purchase & Set-Up

Select Below.....

Group Sessions Require Additional Info/Set-Up, Etc.  Please Email/Contact Us Directly For Set-Up

Private Instrument Lessons


Per Half Hour

30 Minute Online Sessions ONLY!

All Instruments

All Levels/All Ages

All Styles/All Genres

Online OR Our Open-Air LBC Studio

Buy with PayPal
Private Instrument Lessons


Per Hour

60 Minute Online or Studio Sessions ONLY!

All Instruments

All Levels/All Ages

All Styles/All Genres

Online OR Our Open-Air LBC Studio

Buy with PayPal
Private Theory Sessions


Per Hour

60 Minute Online Sessions ONLY!

1 hr session

All Levels/All Ages

Applicable to any Instrument

Online OR Our Open-Air LBC Studio

Buy with PayPal

What our students are saying

I have taken lessons in the past, but the way that you break the material down & make it simple to understand & relate to has made all the difference in the world for me & my growth!

Norman/Adult Sax Student

Dez Glover, Instructor, Royal-T Entertainment - Lessons

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