Royal-T Entertainment
A Full-Service Entertainment Company
Keeping LIVE MUSIC Alive.....

My Sampler CD - 2017
Experience a mixture of several genres all on one CD, as Dez 'The Pharoah' Glover brings you a small glimpse of her God-Given talent & ability. This CD gives you full samples of amazing Jazz, R&B, Soul, and Spoken Word songs! Dez 'The Pharoah' shows up in this amazing rendition as Saxophonist, Trumpet Player, Drummer, Keyboardist, Background Vocalist, Lead Singer, Producer, Music Director, Studio Engineer, Music Editor, etc, etc, etc!!!
NOTE: Video Release of 'TRU2U' Coming Soon...STAY TUNED!

Feast Your Ears On This...! You won't be disappointed with this read, at all. You are sure to find exactly what you'd like, want & need. Dez 'The Pharoah' Glover gives her absolute best renditions of select poetry, exotic, sensual & erotic...for your listening pleasure.
There's INSPIRATIONAL: which gives you uplifting words of encouragement & reminders of your Royal-T & Greatness that will surely keep you in line, on the path & seated on your throne.
There's FLIRTY: which teases, prods & taunts, as Dez 'The Pharoah' shares actual poetic monuments that ushered her own life's journey.
There's SENSUAL: which delves in a bit deeper than the surface flirtation, and begins to delight a much more intimate area of the body. This Edition is sure to get your juices stirred up & flowing quite well.
There's EROTIC: which is the utmost, tantalizing, sexual feast you will ever treat yourself to in this lifetime. It is not a surface item whatsoever...IT IS DEEP & TAUDRY!
SD Masks
Stylish & Secure - Get Yours Today To Wear Daily & Especially During S.D. Events...!

S.D. Fan Shirt #1
S.D. Fan Shirt #1: Comes in all sizes, Fruit of the Loom T-Shirt made of 100% cotton with your favorite band name on the front! Order now to receive as soon as possible. Order in bulk for an additional discounted price: 5 = $8/ea, 10+ = $6/ea + shipping costs!
[Must Contact R.T.E. Directly To Receive Discounted Purchase]
(323) 424-1641